'Stylish Grandma' Dream House Dazzles With Blue Parakeet Rugs

What makes a dream house? According to Style by Emily blogger Ryann Miller, it’s a house that brings together all the threads of inspiration you’ve been collecting into one destiny-confirming space. And that space is a 1925 Turdor in LA finished by A 1000 X Better and currently on the market for its soul mate. As you would expect of a dream house, it’s full of authentic antique rugs from Blue Parakeet Rugs!

Unlike most stagings, this one was done largely with items already belonging to the owner, and of a style perfectly captured as “stylish grandma.” The post details how you can get the same best-of-both-worlds style with tips on balancing color palettes, using contrasting trims, and of course, adding “Color and Character with Patterned Vintage Rugs.” That’s where Blue Parakeet Rugs comes in. Nothing quite pulls together the modern color palettes and old-world furnishings and details of this look like the classic richness of antique rugs.

As Ryann writes, “While we love a neutral or solid rug, there is something special about a rug that adds brightness and dynamic to a room. As you’ve probably noticed, this home is dripping with vintage rugs which adds in a ton of color to the home without being too loud. If you want to ease your way into eclectic granny, a vintage rug is the most simple and effective baby step you can take. They surprisingly work well with a myriad of styles and always bring life and color to a space. When incorporating lots of vintage rugs as they did here, you can keep your home simple and moderately decorated because the rugs will add that needed pop of color.”

You’ll spot them all over this forever stylish home. See the tour and get all the tips at Style by Emily Henderson.

Sheba K